guage and law, priority of documentation, joint and several lia-
bility, interpretation of the clauses, confidentiality, and compli-
ance with the law, are stipulated within this clause.
Clause 2-4
: The duties and obligations of “The Employer,”
“The Engineer” (Red and Yellow Book) and “The Contractor,”
administration and implementation of the Employer (Silver
Book) and the duties and obligations of those that play a part in
the execution of the works are determined in these clauses.
Clause 5
: Provisions regarding “Nominated Subcontractors”
(Red Book) and the “Design” (Yellow and Silver Book) are be
found in this clause.
Clause 6
: Provisions concerning the liability and necessities
regarding “Personnel and Labor” concerning the project under
both the Contractor and the Employer are found in this clause.
Clause 7
: The provisions regarding “Plant, Materials and
Workmanship,” governs the materials that the Contractor may
bring to the site, as well as test processes to be performed, are
found in this clause.
Clause 8-11
: Provisions of “Commencement, Delays,
Suspension, Tests on Completion, Employer’s Taking Over and
Defects,” and the consequences of these events, are found in
these clauses.
Clause 12
: “Measurements and Evaluation” (Red Book) and
“Tests After Completion,” (Yellow and Silver Book) are the
subjects envisaged within this clause.
Clause 13-14
: Provisions regarding the “Variations and
Adjustments,” “Contract Prices and Payments,” and the relevant
procedures thereto are found within these clauses.
Clause 15-16
: “Termination by Employer,” and “Termination
by Contractor,” the procedure and consequences of the usage of
these rights are found in these clauses.
Clause 17
: The “Risk and Responsibility” clause determines the
risks that the parties have undertaken, the risk limitations, and
the procedure to follow in the event of a situation considered to
be a risk.