assessment, and which covers the construction, operation and
post-operation works.
Supervision and control; means all of the works conducted in
accordance with the conditions that form the basis of the deci-
sion regarding the period following the construction, opera-
tion and post-operation works after the “Environmental
Impact Assessment not Required” or “Environmental Impact
Assessment Positive” determinations have been obtained with
respect to the project to be implemented.
Therefore, the new Regulation stipulates that negative effects of
projects must be limited to a reasonable level, as a result of sufficient
measures to be taken, even though the previous regulation required
demonstration of the non-existence of any environmental effect. The
expression, “the process that terminates with the decision of the
Ministry,” is replaced with the expression, “the process that covers the
construction, operation and post-operation works.” In addition, the
term, “regarding the commencement and construction period,” is
replaced with the term, “regarding the period after construction, oper-
ation and post-operation works.”
Art. 7 titled, “The Projects Subject to Environmental Impact
Assessment,” is also amended. Subparagraphs c and ç, stated in the
previous form of the Regulation are removed, and in Subparagraph d,
the phrase, “projects that fall within the scope of this Regulation, and
which have a threshold value; however, those are considered to be out
of scope since their values are below the threshold,” is replaced with
the phrase, “projects that are considered to be out of scope.” Therefore,
an EIA Report is obligatory for those projects that are listed in Annex-
1 - the “EIA Required” projects. As well, if a capacity increase and/or
expansion, in relation to the projects falling outside of the scope is
planned, those projects, whose new capacities are indicated as the sum
of the existing project capacity, and the total of the increased capacity,
are equal to, or higher than, the threshold, as listed in Annex-1 – then,
an EIA Report must be prepared for those projects.
Art. 9 sets forth the Public Participation Meeting, having a sub-
stantial role in the EIA process, is amended as follows: “
The Public
Participation Meeting is held with the participation of the Ministry-