Amendments to the Labor Law by Law No. 6552
Att. Ecem Susoy
The Law on the Amendment to the Labor Law and Certain
Statutory Decrees and Restructuring Certain Receivables (“Law No.
6552”) was published in the Reiterated Official Gazette, dated
11.09.2014 and numbered 29116. Law No. 6552, which consists of
145 articles along with 3 temporary articles, is publicly known as “the
omnibus law” since it comprises various regulations.
Significant amendments on subcontractors, collective labor law,
underground workers and workplace safety and security are introduced
under Law No. 6552. These amendments are examined in this newslet-
ter article.
Regulations Regarding Subcontractors
Pursuant to Art. 3 of Labor Law No. 4857 (“Labor Law”), the sub-
contractors shall register their workplaces, along with the subcontrac-
tor agreement and relevant documents. The subcontractor agreement
and other relevant documents shall be examined by labor inspectors to
determine if there are any fictitious transactions. As per the former reg-
ulations, an objection could be made to the local courts by employers
against the labor inspectors’ report on the determination of a fictitious
transaction within 6 business days beginning from the date of notifica-
tion of such report. Then, the relevant decisions rendered by the local
court regarding any objections were final. However, Law No. 6552
extends the objection period to 30 business days and allows appeals
against local court decisions.
Article of September 2014