employees shall not extend beyond 36 hours per week and 6 hours per
The underground mining employees shall not be asked to work
overtime unless urgent conditions, as stated under Art. 42, and extra-
ordinary conditions as stated under Art. 43 of the Labor Law, arise.
Under the aforesaid urgent or extraordinary circumstances, the hourly
payment for every hour exceeding 36 hours shall not be less than one
hundred per cent of the normal hourly payment.
In accordance with the regulation added by Law No. 6552 to Art.
53 of the Labor Law, underground workers shall have four additional
days added to their paid annual leave.
Moreover, the minimum wages of underground workers who work
at workspaces where lignite and mineral coal are mined are increased.
Pursuant to the regulation added by Law No. 6552 to Additional Art. 9
of the Mining Law No. 3213, at workplaces where lignite and mineral
coal are mined, the minimum wage paid to the underground workers
shall not be less than twice as much of the minimum wage determined
under Art. 39 of the Labor Law.
Regulations Regarding Occupational Health and Safety
Regulations on the international navigation of vehicles operating
in maritime transportation are taken out of the scope of the
Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331 (“Occupational Health
and Safety Law”).
New regulations are introduced by Law No. 6552 to the articles on
the occupational health and safety.
According to Art. 6/1.a of the Occupational Health and Safety
Law, health personnel other than the doctor shall be recruited in the
work places with more than ten employees and that are in the catego-
ry of very dangerous. According to another insertion, in work places
that employ less than ten employees and that are in the category of less
dangerous, the employer and the representative of the employer may
conduct occupational health and safety services, except the periodic
examinations and examinations for recruitment, provided that they
conclude the trainings given by the Ministry.