ters are excluded from the scope of the EIA Regulation, railways are
Lakes with a capacity of 10,000,000 m3, and barrages or lagoons
with a capacity of 5,000,000 m3, are now subject to the EIA
Regulation regardless of their intended purpose. Water transmission
projects with a capacity of 100,000,000 m3 are also included within
the scope of the Regulation. Due to the fact that they are conducted
with the purpose of purification of lakes and seas, dredging projects are
lowered to a 50,000 m3 range, and included within the scope of the
EIA Regulation.
Ceramic facilities with a production activity of 300,000 ton/year
and more are added to the scope of the Regulation. Additionally,
according to the provision regarding home appliance dyeing, such
activities are also included in the Regulation as it relates to increasing
tank capacities.
On the other hand, the provision pertaining to the exploration pro-
jects of mineral, petroleum, natural gas and etc., is removed from the
Regulation. Public investment projects commenced prior to
23.06.1997, and which initiated production or operations as of
29.05.2013, along with the construction and facilities that are required
for the execution of these projects, are excluded from the scope of the
The provision regarding definitions is amended, as follows:
Environmental Impact Assessment not Required Decision;
means that the Council of Ministers’ Decision declaring that
realization of the Project is not harmful to the environment
after potential negative effects of the project are determined,
considering the Projects Subject to Selection and Elimination
Criteria, is at an acceptable level in accordance with the leg-
islation and scientific principles as a result of measures to be
Environmental impact assessment process; means the process
that starts with the application for the environmental impact