Model Contract Used in the Construction Sector Series
Att. Tuna Colgar
FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting Engineers)
Types of Model Contracts - General Information
The International Federation of Consulting Engineers is a profes-
sional association established in 1913, known as the FIDIC
(Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Counseils). Its members are
duly elected from consultant-engineer associations of various coun-
tries, and membership to the association is limited with the inclusion
of one professional association from every country. Today, the FIDIC
is comprised of associations representing 97 different countries from
all around the world, including Turkey. Turkey became a member of
the FIDIC in 1987 via the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers
and Architects. The FIDIC plays a significant role in determination and
implementation of the strategic goals of the consultancy-engineering
sector in the name of its member associations, and in providing
resources and information to its members regarding the sector.
Additionally, the FIDIC develops sector-related policies and profes-
sional principles, and is engaged in activities meeting the needs of each
member country’s associations.
The ultimate goal of the FIDIC is to preserve the benefits of its
members, and to contribute to the professional development, both
nationally and internationally. In order to pursue and expand the scope
of its goals, the FIDIC publishes standard contracts, procedures, rec-
ommendations and informational documentation for its customers,
consultants, sub-contractors, consortiums and their representatives to
use. In addition to the mentioned publications, the FIDIC prepares
model contracts, declarations of principles, and work-practice docu-
Article of November 2014