ments, position papers, guidelines, training manuals of management
systems (quality management, risk management, business integrity
management, environment management and sustainability), and infor-
mation regarding business steps, such as consultant selection, quality
based selection, tender processes, supply, insurance, liability, technol-
ogy transfer, and capacity development for its members
. The main
purposes of the publication of these documents are to standardize the
terminology, to make the documents more user-friendly and uniform,
and to organize the relationship between the parties (the Employer –
Contractor – Representative/Consultant/Engineers) of sector-related
The most popular and frequently used documents among the
FIDIC publications are the model contracts. Within this context,
Conditions of Contract of Works of Civil Engineering Construction
(the Red Book), Conditions of Contract for Plant & Design-Build
Works for Electrical and Mechanical Works (the Yellow Book),
Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey Works (the
Orange Book), Guide to the Joint Venture and Sub-Consultancy
Agreements (the Blue Book), Client/Consultant Model Services
Agreement (the White Book) and Conditions of Contracts for EPC
Turnkey Projects (the Silver Book), are exemplified as some of the
model contract publications of the FIDIC.
In order to meet the sectoral needs, the FIDIC revises the model
contracts, and collects and creates new model contracts. In this context,
“the Pink Book,” which was published in 2010, is mainly preferred by
the banks, and places particular focus on project finance necessities.
Again, by virtue of similar reasons, the Form of Contract for Dredging
and Reclamation Works, in other words, “the Turquoise Book,”
Conditions of Contract for Design, Build and Operate Projects, i.e.
“the Gold Book,” and Conditions of Subcontracts for Construction,
were published respectively in 2006, 2008, and 2011.
Summary information regarding the most popular of these afore-
mentioned books is as follows:
For more information please see: