Aksigorta A.Ş. and Akbank T.A.Ş. be granted negative clearance
certificate or exemption, decided that individual exemption shall be
given according to the Act No. 4054. (04.05.2011; 11-28/582-183)
• Hearing of the investigation about Efes Pazarlama ve Dağıtım Tic.
AŞ. conducted regarding whether it complied with the decision
of the Board dated 22.04.2005 in relation to withdrawing the
exemption shall be held on 12.07.2011. Complainants and third
persons who want to attend the meeting shall apply to the Board
by the end of the working hours on Friday, July 1, 2011 with a
petition containing information and documents that put forward
their relation of interest with the subject matter of the meeting.
• As a result of the examination performed upon the claim that Eti
Mine Enterprises General Directorate having a legal monopoly
right in the area of producing and operating boron minerals abused
this position by impeding competition, the Board decided that
there is no need to open an investigation under Act No. 4054 and
the complaint was dismissed. (02.06.2011, 11-33/726-229)
• As a result of the examination performed upon the claim that
Türksat Uydu Haberleşme Kablo TV ve İşletme A.Ş. (Türksat
Satellite Communication Cable TV and Operation Inc.) abused its
dominant position in the area of satellite communication service
infrastructure against those undertakings which offered satellite
communication service to public agencies and organizations, the
Board decided that an investigation was not required to be opened
in accordance with the Act No. 4054, and the complaint was
dismissed. (02.06.2011, 11-33/703-216 )
• As a result of the examination performed upon the claim that
Türkiye Vakıflar Bankası T.A.O. which solely conducts banking
transactions of UYAP (national jurisprudence network project)
service of the Ministry of Justice abused its dominant position by
imposing a compulsory bank account with ATM card at the stage
of taking cipher after internet banking contract, the Board decided
that an investigation was not required to be opened in accordance
with the Act No. 4054, that the complaint be rejected. (02.06.2011,
11-33/718-224 )