to commercial taxis and the requests to travel in commercial taxis
instead, for purposes of seizure proceedings, are denied by the
Seizure Directors, the Board decided that there is no need to open
an investigation under Act No. 4054, and thus the complaint was
dismissed. (17.03.2011, 11-16/292-94 )
• As a result of the examination conducted based on the requests
that the bottled LPG dealership agreements of İpragaz A.Ş. and
the bottled LPG and auto LPG dealership agreements of Yıldırım
Petrol Ticaret ve Nakliyat A.Ş. be granted exemption, the Board
decided that the bottled LPG dealership contracts of İpragaz A.Ş.
and Yıldırım Petrol Ticaret ve Nakliyat A.Ş. benefit from block
exemption under Communiqué No. 2002/2, but the auto LPG
dealership contracts of Yıldırım Petrol Ticaret ve Nakliyat A.Ş.
do not benefit from block exemption in their current form, due
to the period of non-compete obligation, and the non-compete
obligation which was provided for over 5 years may not be granted
an individual exemption since the conditions enumerated under
Article 5 of Act No. 4054 are not fulfilled. (24.03.2011, 11-
17/327- 100 )
• As a result of the examination conducted based on allegations that
GlaxoSmithKline İlaçları San. ve Tic. A.Ş. attempted to foreclose
the market to its competitors in the denture care cream market, the
Board decided that initiating an investigation was not necessary
under the Act no 4054 and the complaint should be rejected.
(14.04.2011, 11-23/436-134)
• As a result of the examination conducted based on allegations
that the firms titled Lundbeck İlaç Tic. Ltd. Şti., Servier İlaç ve
Araştırma A.Ş., Pierre Fabre İlaç A.Ş., Guerbet Tıbbi ve Kimva
Madde Tic. A.Ş., Opakim Tıbbi Ürünler Tic. Ltd. Şti., Schering-
Plough Tıbbi Ürünler Tic. A.Ş., Merck Sharp Dohme İlaçları Ltd.
Sti., Kansuk Laboratuarı San. ve Tic. A.Ş., GlaxoSmithKlein
İlaçları San. ve Tic. A.Ş., Chiesi İlaç Ticaret A.Ş., Sandoz İlaç San.
ve Tic. A.Ş., Bristol Myers Squibb İlaçları Inc. İstanbul Branch,
Fako İlaçları A.Ş., Kurtsan İlaçları A.Ş. ve Wyeth İlaçları A.Ş.,
in cooperation with other pharmaceutical warehouses, engaged in