price discrimination against Emek Ecza Deposu İlaç ve Kimyevi
Mad. Itr. İth. Ihr. ve Tic. A.Ş., the Board decided that initiating
an investigation was not necessary under the Act no 4054 and the
complaint should be rejected. (21.04.2011, 11-25/470-141)
• As a result of the examination conducted based on allegations that
the profit margin from gasoline relinquished by decreasing gasoline
prices was offset by increasing diesel prices, which led to unfair
competition for those using diesel fuel, the Board decided that
initiating an investigation was not necessary under the Act no 4054
and the complaint should be rejected. (21.04.2011, 11-25/471-142)
• As a result of the examination conducted based on allegations
that the TL 10 fee requested by the Republic of Turkey General
Directorate of Post and Telegraph Organization in order to renew
the lost and forgotten password for logging in to the Turkish
e-government portal i was too high, it was decided that initiating
an investigation was not necessary under the Act no 4054 and the
complaint should be rejected. (21.04.2011, 11-25/477-146)
• As a result of the examination conducted based on the allegations
that Superonline İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. offered internet access
service free of charge, it was decided that initiating an investigation
was not necessary under the Act no 4054. (28.04.2011, 11-26/498-
• The Board, as a result of the examination made upon the claim
that Lukoil Eurasia Petrol A.Ş. violated the Act No. 4054 and the
Communiqué No. 2002/2 by its vertical agreements and various
practices, decided that vertical agreements between Lukoil Eurasia
Petrol A.Ş. and Hürrem Kosif, Hüdayi Kosif, Serdar Naim Kosif,
Kosifler Petrol Tic. Ltd. Şti. are out of the scope of block exemption
provided by the Communiqué No. 2002/2 as they extended the
date 18.09.2010, therefore, under Article 9(3) of the Act No. 4054,
the Presidency shall be assigned to send an opinion to the parties,
stating that they must end the said agreements in 30 days as of
the notification of the reasoned decision; otherwise proceedings
shall be initiated according to the Act No. 4054. (04.05.2011; 11-