• The Board, as a result of the examination conducted upon
the request that a negative clearance document to be given or
exemption to be granted to the decision by the association of
undertakings concerning the publication of information on the
Automotive Distributors Association's website and database and
in the reports drawn up for other reasons, decided that, there is no
point in making a decision concerning such information bearing
in mind that they do not include matters altering such assessments
under this request; however, the decision to share information shall
be evaluated within the framework of the provisions of the Act No.
4054, with respect to the number of staff, authorized sellers and
serviceproviders at thenetworks of brandswhichare tobepublished
at miscellaneous times, overall and brand-differentiated number
of sales on a provincial basis at three-month periods, tentative
scheduling studies (launching) concerning the new models of
brands at three-month periods, the share of brands in fleet sales of
passenger and light commercial vehicles according to buyer groups
which are classified as government, rental companies, taxis, leasing
and private sales, the decision to share information regarding the
number of staff, authorized sellers and service providers at the
networks of brands at miscellaneous times shall be given a negative
clearance document under Article 8 of the Act No. 4054, however,
a negative clearance document under Article 8 of the Act No. 4054
may not be given to the decision to share information with respect
to the three-month data showing the overall number of sales of
passenger and light commercial vehicles on a provincial basis,
the tentative scheduling studies (launching) concerning the new
models of brands to be published at three-month periods, the share
of brands in fleet sales of passenger and light commercial vehicles
according to buyer groups which are classified as government,
rental companies, taxis, leasing and private sales; however, on
condition that province-based data do not include brand, model
and sub-breakdown differentiation, whatever is shared relating to
launching does not include recommended or final sales prices to
be applied, sales strategy, target, supply amount etc. that are likely
to lead to coordination, and that the differentiation of fleet sales