According to the article 9, it is obligatory to keep the advertisement
authorization certificate for the commercial vehicle available in the
vehicles and submit it upon the request of the officials. Sanctions
shall be applied on the owners and drivers of the vehicles who place
advertisements without an advertisement authorization certificate, who
place advertisements with an expired authorization certificate or who
place advertisements without obeying the conditions of the authorization
According to the article 12 of the Regulation, Regulation for Placing
Advertisement on Commercial Vehicles published in the Official Gazette
dated 28.02.1998 and numbered 23272 has been abrogated.
According to the temporary article 1 of the Regulation, advertisement
permission certificate and advertisement authorization certificate for the
commercial vehicles granted before the publication of this Regulation
shall remain valid until their expiration date.
It is compulsory to obtain advertisement permission certificate and
advertisement authorization certificate for the commercial vehicles
from the relevant municipality in order to place advertisement in or on
commercial vehicles that provide passenger or load transportation within
the municipal boundaries and their adjacent areas. The procedures and
principles regarding placing advertisements on or in the vehicles are
regulated in the Regulation for Placing Advertisement on Commercial
Vehicles, which has entered into force on 06.08.2011. Sanctions are
applied in case provisions of this Regulation are breached.