Pursuant to article 11 of the Regulation, the insurance companies and
Assurance Account reserve their right of subrogation to the person who
causes the damage.
Temporary Articles
Pursuant to temporary article 1, all outstanding bills and the medical
treatments that will be billed for the traffic accidents occurred before the
publication of the Code shall be paid by the Institution.
Temporary article 2 regulated the interimperiod in between publishing
of the Code and publishing of the Secondary Legislation -Regulation- in
In summary, according to Regulation, all health care costs -medical
expenses and prescription- required for the personal injury treatment by
the university hospitals and all official and private health institutions and
organizations as a result of road traffic accidents shall be compensated by
the Institution. The Procedures and principals in respect of reimbursement
of health care costs provided for car accident victims, are regulated in the
Secondary Regulation Regarding Procedures and Principles in Relation
to Reimbursement of Health Care Costs Provided to the victims of car
accidents, entered into force on 27.08.2011.