ii) Assurance Account shall transfer 15 % of the ceding commission
collected from the cedent insurance companies for the Compulsory
Traffic Insurance, Compulsory Transport Insurance and Compulsory
Passenger Transport Insurance to the Institution until the 10
day of the
month following the collection date. Assurance Account shall transfer
20 % of the referred amounts to the Institution for the traffic accidents
occurred before publishing of the Code.
iii) The Undersecretariat of Treasury is entitled to increase or decrease
the referred amount in the ratio up to 50 %.
iv) If the receivables of the Institution remain overdue after the
payment period, late payment penalty and late payment interest shall
be applied pursuant to article 89 of Social Security and General Health
Insurance Law dated 31.05.2006 and numbered 5510.
Pursuant to article 6 of the Regulation, the Institution shall claim
from the Office among the treatment costs of traffic accidents caused by
or involvement of foreign licensed vehicles, the part corresponding to
the liability of the operator of the vehicle with foreign license within the
frame of Green Card Insurance. For traffic accidents occurred abroad, the
health treatment costs which shall be compensated by the Office pursuant
to Green Card Insurance shall be paid by the Office within the frame of
general provisions.
The liability of the insurance companies issuing voluntary insurance
policies within the frame of policies that may be subject to health care
demands raised from traffic accidents, are reserved pursuant to article 7
of the Regulation.
The insurance companies and Assurance Account are discharged
from their liabilities for health/treatment costs once the settlement has
been made to the Institution within the scope of Compulsory Traffic
Insurance, Compulsory Transport Insurance and Compulsory Passenger
Transport Insurance Policies towards the insured and beneficiaries.
Claiming any expense for the medical treatment from the insured is not to
be made within the frame of Compulsory Traffic Insurance, Compulsory
Transport Insurance and Compulsory Passenger Transport Insurance for
health care costs based on this Regulation.