Regulation with regard to Determination, Notification, Filing
of Improper Insurance Underwriting Process and Principles
for Controlling this Practice
Att. Pelin Baydar
The secondary legislation with regard to Determination, Notification,
Filing of Improper Insurance Underwriting Process and Principles for
Controlling of this Practice (“Regulation”) prepared by Prime Ministry
Undersecretariat of Treasury aiming to determine, notify, file improper
insurance underwriting process and legislative provisions on measures
to combat improper practice together with insurance contracting parties’
obligations have been published in the Official Gazette dated 30.04.2011
and numbered 27920. The temporary article 1 shall be entered into force
on date of publication and the remaining articles shall be entered into
force on 01.06.2011.
In article 5 of the Regulation about improper insurance underwriting
process are defined. Accordingly, it is defined as
a) Improper insurance underwriting process within the Insurer
Company: Improper insurance practices against the Insurer
Company by the act of company’s personnel at whatever level
with the third person who is working at the company and/or not,
b) Improper insurance underwriting process of the insured and
improper insurance underwriting process during the compensation
term: the improper practices against the company at the stages of
formation and execution of the insurance policy and in the event
of occurrence of the insurance compensation by the insured, the
relevant parties in the insurance relationship, agent for following
up the compensation, those who conduct management and
dissolution of the losses, insurance actuaries etc.
c) Improper insurance practices by the brokers: Improper insurance
practices against the insurer companies, insured or the relevant
parties in the insurance relationship by the insurance brokers.
Article of June 2011