The Act on Compulsory Use of Turkish Language in
Economic Enterprises
Att. Sedef Üstüner
The validity of legal transactions and documents is not related to the
use of Turkish language; legal transactions in foreign languages are also
considered to be valid. However, use of Turkish language is mandatory
while Turkish companies conduct their commercial operations and
transactions in Turkey and also foreign companies’ commercial dealings
with Turkish citizens and Turkish enterprises.
“Act No. 805 on Compulsory Use of Turkish in Economic Enterprises”
(the “Act”)
which is published in the Official Gazette dated 22.04.1926
and numbered 353 and entered into force by being published, regulates
the procedure of keeping records for Turkish enterprises.
The Scope of the Act
Pursuant to Article 1 of the Act, all Turkish companies and
enterprises are obliged to conduct their business transactions, conclude
their agreements and keep their correspondences, records and books in
Turkish language within Turkey.
The term “companies and enterprises” includes also real person
merchants. Transactions, agreements and correspondences concluded
between Turkish companies and enterprises and foreign companies fall
within the scope of this Act.
It is not mandatory to use Turkish language for any agreement which
is concluded outside of Turkey by a Turkish company even though the
results and effects of the agreements arise within Turkey.
Similarly, there is not any obligation to use Turkish language
regarding the transactions and operations concluded outside of Turkey
by a Turkish company and regarding the transactions and operations
concluded between a Turkish company and its foreign branches and
Article of July 2011