f) Right to demand that no discrimination is made between the
consumers in dealing with consumer complaints or faulty product
claims excluding institutions regarding health, fire, security,
disaster or similar institutions,
g) Right to benefit from international standards and benefit from
good quality services, the framework of which is in compliance
with the standards determined by Information and Communication
Technologies Authority (“Authority”),
h) Right to demand the invoices and the subscription agreements to
be in the form that the blind or visually impaired consumers may
benefit from,
i) Right to reject unsolicited messages and e-mails,
j) Right to opt upper spending limit for the invoices.
According to article 6 of the Regulation, the operators shall submit
all information spontaneously without a necessity of request, regarding
applicable tariffs, subscription packages if exist, the tax issues included in
the tariffs, prices of the tariffs in terms of access and usage of electronic
communication services and also shall procure that these informative
services are easily reached by the consumers.
Additionally, the notification shall be made without any charge with
respect to debate, competition, gambling game and similar services.
Following the notification, the charging and service of premium content
shall commence upon acceptance of the terms by consumer.
Article 8 of the Regulation mentions that the service providers are
obliged to inform the consumers explicitly, accurately and in details
regarding the campaign’s conditions, duration, target group and similar
issues. The campaign information shall be published in the web site of
the service providers in a way that the consumers may easily reach. If
the service providers make any change in the campaign’s conditions,
then the operators shall inform the consumers prior to execution of the
changes of the campaign, saving the acquired rights of the consumers. If
it is determined that if consumer rights have been infringed as a result of