7. The additional cost of using the means of distance communication,
if it is not charged over the regular tariff,
8. The period for which the offer or the price of the goods or the
services remains valid,
9. The minimum duration of the contract, if the contract envisages
permanent or periodic performance of the goods or services,
10. The conditions envisaged for termination of contracts, concluded
for an indefinite term or a term longer than 1 year,
11. Information stating that the consumer can address his complaints
or objections to the arbitration committee for consumer problems,
situated at the place where the consumer purchased the goods
or services or where the consumer is domiciled, if the monetary
value is within the limit determined by the Ministry in December
of each year or otherwise the consumer can apply to the consumer
It is stipulated that the consumer must be also provided with a form
including all of the above mentioned information. In this regard, it is
stated that for a contract of purchase of goods, prior to the delivery of
goods; for a contract of purchase of services, within a reasonable time
prior to the performance of the contract and for a contract concluded by
means of verbal distance communication such as telephone, latest at the
time of delivery, the consumer must be provided with such form.
In article 6 of the Regulation, it is foreseen that unless the consumer
gives awritten confirmation of receipt of the abovementioned information,
the seller or the supplier cannot conclude a contract. It is agreed that for
a contract concluded electronically, confirmation can also be given in
electronic form.
The right of withdrawal is regulated in article 7. Pursuant to this
article, the consumer has right of withdrawal from a distance contract
without indicating any reason or paying penalty. It is stipulated that such
right must be exercised within seven days. However, it is stated that in
case there is a violation of article 5 or 6 of the Regulation, the consumer
can exercise his right of withdrawal within three months. It is indicated
that for a contract of purchase of goods the withdrawal period will run