

In today's environment, when the corporate world is continuously evolving and altering, it is critical to comply with changing legislation and regulations in order to avoid administrative fines. In this context, Erdem & Erdem compliance experts examine how well companies in a variety of industries, including financial institutions, healthcare, retail, and energy, comply with the legislation to which they are subject, analyze their current operations and corporate governance procedures, identify risks, and report to senior management. Then, our team creates the necessary roadmap to bring all of the firm's operations into conformity with the regulations, as well as organizing the necessary trainings for compliance inside the company.

Our lawyers provide compliance consulting services and design and implement personalized compliance programs with a holistic approach, particularly in the areas of competition, data protection, anti-corruption, and labor regulations.

Competition Compliance Program

The Erdem & Erdem Competition Compliance Program aims to eliminate risks arising from competition law. Within this context, we aim to swiftly determine the needs, risks and structure of each client company. In addition, we provide assistance through reviews and trainings in order to eliminate the determined or probable risks.

Personal Data Protection Compliance Program

The Erdem & Erdem Personal Data Protection Compliance Program represents an attempt to properly determine intercorporate risks, and to create tailor-made policies on personal data protection. We also believe in the value of training employees who are responsible for the processing of personal data, and the auditing obligations foreseen by the relevant legislation.

Anti-Corruption Compliance Program

The Erdem & Erdem Anti-Corruption Compliance Program includes a module on the stipulation of risks and aims to provide legal security for client companies with regards to anti-corruption. The program is based on evaluating each possible anti-corruption case on its own merits, and is aimed at eliminating the significant uncertainties that exist due to the lack of case law in this extensive field of law.

Labor Law Compliance Program

The purpose of the Erdem & Erdem Labor Law Compliance Program is to keep our clients informed with respect to legislation and jurisprudence, to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation, to determine intra-corporate risks and to take precautions against them, to establish intra-corporate labor law policies, to train employees in charge of labor relations processes, and to provide quick and effective solutions in this regard.


Ecem Süsoy Uygun Ecem Süsoy Uygun Managing Associate
Sevgi Ünsal Özden Sevgi Ünsal Özden Managing Associate and Mediator
Merve Bakırcı Merve Bakırcı Managing Associate
Tilbe Birengel Tilbe Birengel Senior Associate
Sevim Özkan Sevim Özkan Associate

For creative legal solutions, please contact us.