The Retail Information System (“PERBIS”) will be established by
the Ministry of Customs and Trade (“Ministry”) and the access to PER-
BIS will be granted to other relevant authorities and institutions, as well.
PERBIS shall have an on-line connection with the electronic registration
systems of the above-stated authorities and institutions. According to
LRRTArt. 5, PERBIS will also be able to grant retail business place and
work permits. These businesses may choose to submit their applications
for these permits either directly to the authorized/related institutions, or
through PERBIS. The applications directed to the authorized institutions
will be forwarded to PERBIS, accordingly. The institutions authorized
to grant permits will conduct a pre-assessment.
Following the pre-assessment procedure, affirmatively assessed
applications will be transferred to the relevant institutions within three
days from the date of application, in order for the incorporation and
opening operations to be initiated. In conjunction with this transfer,
necessary applications shall be deemed to have been made before the
related authorities and institutions. Businesses that are deemed to be
inadequate will be informed of this decision within thirty days, and
will include the grounds for this decision.
According to Provisional Article 1 adopted by the LRRT, current
business licenses will remain valid under the new system. However,
information concerning these businesses will be transferred to PERBIS
by the authorized institutions within one year following its establish-
ment. The Ministry may extend this period twice, for periods of one
year, each time.
This provision enables the incorporation operations of retail busi-
nesses to be less complicated and less costly. Additionally, this new
registration system will expedite traceability functions amongst the
businesses. Pursuant to the LRRT, Art. 4/4 and Art. 5, the procedures
and principles of the information to be processed and accessed through
PERBIS, as well as the operation procedures of this system, will be
promulgated by regulations.
Claims of Premiums and Consideration, Store Branded Products
The LRRT Art. 6 prevents large stores, chain stores, and franchise
businesses to claim premiums, or other similar claims, from producers