the Internal Market (“Directive”)
The Obligations of the Service Provider
Defined in Art. 2/1(ç) of the E-Commerce Law as “
real or legal
persons engaging in electronic commercial activities…
”, the service
provider is obliged to provide certain information to the recipient
before the conclusion of an agreement by electronic means pursuant to
Art. 3/1. The relevant information are listed in the article as up-to-date
and easily accessible introductory information of the service provider,
technical steps necessary for the execution of the agreement, informa-
tion on whether the executed agreement will be preserved by the ser-
vice provider and whether it will be accessible by the recipient, the
information regarding the technical tools for the determination and
correction of the errors in data entry, the privacy rules and information
in relation to alternative dispute resolution methods.
In accordance with this provision, the recipient is acquainted with
the sales procedure before the agreement is executed and gives his/her
decision accordingly. Therefore, the relevant obligation is an obliga-
tion which relates to the stage prior to the execution of the agreement.
Moreover, Art. 3/3 of the E-Commerce Law stipulates that in case that
the parties are not consumers, it is not obligatory to provide informa-
tion on the trade association and the code of conduct of the service
provider to the recipient. However in any case, the seller is under the
obligation to enable the recipient to preserve the contractual provisions
and general transaction terms. Thus, a unilateral amendment to the
contractual terms by the seller is prevented and the review of the
agreement by the recipient is enabled.
Regulations Concerning the Order
The Art. 4 entitled “Order” regulates the principles concerning the
orders placed through electronic communication tools. The relevant
article regulates order placing stage. Accordingly, the first obligation
Directive 200/31/EG on Certain Legal Aspects of Information Society Services, in particular
Electronic Commerce,
32000L0031&from=DE (Date of last access: 20.01.2015).