The concerned party shall file the action to set aside within 30
days. In order for this period of 30 days to start, the parties shall be
notified of the arbitral award, the decision regarding amendment, inter-
pretation or completion.
Within the scope of the IAA, the action to set aside is the sole legal
remedy to be pursued against arbitral awards, and it suspends the exe-
cution of the arbitral award at hand. In the Doctrine whether suspen-
sion of the arbitral award is an appropriate consequence for the action
to set aside is disputed. The consequence expected to be obtained from
the arbitral proceeding, which consists procedural vulnerabilities and
extensively includes wills of the parties, shall be deemed void and shall
not be enforced, if the reasons that are regulated under the IAA and
mentioned, above, exist. Within this context, during the initiation and
continuation processes of the arbitration, the attention to be shown by
both the arbitrators and the parties on the procedural issues bear sig-
nificance in terms of enforceability of the arbitral awards.