would be inconsistent with Council Regulation No. 44/2001 (“Brussels
I Regulation”).
The Brussels I Regulation sets forth that the Regulation does not
apply to arbitration; however, it does not clarify the scope of this
exception. On the other hand, the Recast Brussels Regulation that
entered into force on January 10
, 2015, clarified that proceedings
ancillary to arbitration agreements are not within the scope of the
Brussels I Regulation. The Gazprom decision of the CJEU should be
considered within this framework.
Summary of the Facts
The facts giving rise to the Gazprom decision are related to a dis-
pute between Gazprom and the Ministry of Energy of Lithuania
(“Ministry”). The dispute arose out of a shareholders’ agreement
entered into by and between Gazprom and the Ministry. Pursuant to the
arbitration clause in the shareholders’ agreement, any claim, disputes
or contravention with the agreement or its breach, validity, effect, or
termination shall be finally determined through arbitration.
In spite of the arbitration clause in the agreement, the Ministry
filed a lawsuit before the Vilnius Regional Court in Lithuania, seeking
initiation of an investigation in respect of the activities of a legal per-
son. The lawsuit related to some members of the board of directors of
Gazprom. The Ministry also claimed that coercive measures provided
under the Lithuanian Civil Code should be imposed, if the actions of
the company or the board of directors were found to be improper.
In reaction to the lawsuits filed by the Ministry, Gazprom took the
view that the application was in breach of the arbitration clause, and
initiated arbitration proceedings before the Arbitration Institute of the
Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. Gazprom also requested that the
arbitral tribunal should order the ministry to discontinue the proceed-
ings initiated before the Lithuanian courts.
The Judgment of the court may be accessed at the following link: