(Law No. 4054) by vertical agreements and anti-competitive
behavior. (16.09.2014; 14-33/665-291)
• The Board granted individual exemption to the entrusting sale
agreement concluded between Bayer Türk Kimya Sanayi Ltd.
Şti. and Medifar Ecza Deposu İlaç San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
(24.09.2014; 14-37/714-319)
• The Board granted conditional individual exemption to the
Agency Contractconcluded between Akbank T.A.Ş. and
Avivasa Emeklilik and Hayat A.Ş. (01.10.2014; 14-37/714-319)
The Board granted negative clearance to the sharing of infor-
mation published quarterly by the Banking Regulation and
Supervision Agency by Financial Leasing, Factoring and
Financing Companies Association to the public and members in
a consolidated manner; the Board granted individual exemption
for 3 years with respect to the information to be shared with the
members on a company basis. (01.10.2014; 14-37/715-320)
• The Board granted negative clearance to the gathering of risk
information relating to the customers of the financial institu-
tions by the Banks Association of Turkey Risk Center within
the scope of the relevant legislation and the sharing of this
information with financial institutions and third parties.
(16.10.2014; 14-40/741-332)
• The Competition Board granted negative clearance to the sale
practices imposed as a standard in contracts in 2014 between
Türkiye Petrol Rafinerileri A.Ş. and fuel distribution compa-
nies. (22.10.2014; 14-42/760-336)
• The Board granted individual exemption to the “Additional
Agreement” to be concluded between Turkcell İletişim
Hizmetleri A.Ş. and its business partners regarding bulk mes-
saging 3G Tasarım Bilişim Teknolojileri Danışmanlık
Elektronik İletişim Hiz. İth. İhr. Ltd. Şti., Balaban Yazılım ve
İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti., Mobilpark Telek. Bil. Yaz. Hiz.
Tic. A.Ş., Codec İletişim ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.,
Dataport Bilgi İşlem Çözümleri Ltd. Şti., Hermes Internet
İletişim, Reklam ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri, Sürat Bilişim
Teknolojileri San. Tic. A.Ş., Teknomart Teknoloji Ürünleri San.