Important Legislation and Decisions regarding Mergers and
• The Competition Board (“Board”) authorized the acquisition by
Infinity Invest Holding A.Ş. of all of the shares of Ozan Enerji
LPG Akaryakıt Dağıtım ve Nakliye Ticaret A.Ş. from Ümit
Ozan. (26.12.2013; 13-72/993-424)
• The Board authorized the acquisition by Huntsman
International LLC of Rockwood Specialities Group Inc.’s 16
subsidiaries, operating in various business branches.
(26.12.2013; 13-72/994-425)
• The Board authorized the establishment of a joint venture
between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Vestas Wind Systems
A/S for the activities relating to the sale, procurement, produc-
tion, assembly, brokerage, operation, research and development
and maintenance and repair of offshore wind turbine genera-
tors. (26.12.2013; 13-72/995-426)
• The Board authorized the acquisition by Avic International
Engineering Holdings Pte. Ltd. of the full control of KHD
Humboldt Wedag International AG. (26.12.2013; 13-72/999-
• The Board decided that the acquisition of all of the shares of
İkisu Enerji Üretim ve Ticaret A.Ş. by IC İçtaş Enerji Üretim ve
Ticaret A.Ş. was not subject to authorization. (26.12.2013; 13-
• The Board decided that the transformation of Ege Turizm ve
Gayrimenkul Yatırımları A.Ş. to a joint venture through the
acquisition of 50% of its shares by Doğuş Turizm Sağlık
Yatırımları ve İşletmeciliği Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. was not sub-
ject to authorization. (26.12.2013; 13-72/1002-BD)
• The Board authorized the transformation of M Steel Indústria e
Comércio de Produtos Siderúrgicos Ltda. to the joint venture of
Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and ArcelorMittal Gonvarri Brasil Produtos
Siderurgicos, S.A. (26.12.2013; 14-01/3-2)