• The Board authorized the transformation of ThyssenKrupp
Steel USA LLC, which is under the control of ThyssenKrupp
AG, into a joint venture by means of acquisition by
ArcelorMittal USA LLC and Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal
Corporation and the group companies. (29.01.2014; 14-05/89-
• The Board authorized the acquisition of minimum 60%, maxi-
mum 65% of the shares in Ayakkabı Dünyası Mağazacılık ve
İnşaat A.Ş. and Akbacakoğlu Kundura Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
by Esas Holding A.Ş. (29.01.2014; 14-05/99-40)
• The Board authorized the acquisition of all shares of Adnan
Polat Enerji Yatırımı A.Ş. by the Public Sector Pension
Investment Board through its indirect subsidiary PSPEUR
S.a.r.l., and therefore transfer of Polat Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret
A.Ş. to the joint control of the Public Sector Pension Investment
Board, Electricité de France S.A. and the Polat Family.
(29.01.2014; 14-05/100-41)
• The Board decided that establishment of a joint venture
between Doğuş Holding A.Ş. and BLG Gayrimenkul
Yatırımları ve Ticaret A.Ş. in order to operate Salıpazarı Port
Area was not subject to authorization. (29.01.2014)
• The Board authorized the acquisition of Schmolz+Bickenbach
AG by Venetos Holding AG. (12.02.2014; 14-06/105-44)
• The Board authorized the acquisition of all of the shares of
Mission Energy Holdings International Inc., a subsidiary of
Edison Mission Energy, by NRG Energy Holdings Inc.
(12.02.2014; 14-06/108-47)
• The Board decided that the establishment of a joint venture
company between Anadolu Enerji Üretim Sanayi ve Ticaret
A.Ş. and Talesun Solar Germany was not subject to authoriza-
tion. (12.02.2014; 14-06/117-BD)
• The Board authorized the acquisition of 51% of the shares of
Sıla Teknik Oto Yan San. ve Tic. A.Ş. and STG Otomotiv
Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. by Orhan Holding A.Ş. from Sıla
Holding Industriale S.p.a. (19.02.2014; 14-07/133-60)