• The Board granted an individual exemption to the Bonus Credit
Card Sharing Agreement, concluded between Türkiye Garanti
Bankası A.Ş. and Tekstil Bankası A.Ş. (30.04.2014; 14-16/296-
• The Board decided that the contract to be concluded between
Ascendum Makine Tic. A.Ş. and its dealers could benefit from
block exemption under the Block Exemption Communiqué on
Vertical Agreements, No. 2002/2. (20.05.2014; 14-18/335-145)
• The Board granted an individual exemption to the system estab-
lished by Çaytaş Gıda Pazarlama ve Reklam Hizmetleri San. ve
Tic. A.Ş. that is intended for coordinating the sales and distrib-
ution of Çaykur products (20.05.2014).
• The Board decided that, with the exception of the regulations in
Articles 4 and 21, the “Authorized Vehicle Sales Dealership
Agreement,” to be signed between Anadolu Isuzu Otomotiv
Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. and its dealers was covered by the block
exemption of the Block Exemption Communiqué concerning
Vertical Agreements and Concerted Practices in the Motor
Vehicle Sector, No. 2005/4, and that it would benefit from block
exemption under the aforementioned Communiqué provided
that the articles in question were amended. In addition, an indi-
vidual exemption was granted to the New Dealer Bonus System
in the supplements of the agreement in question. (20.05.2014;
• The Board granted an individual exemption to the Amendment
Text to the Television Audience Measurement Service
Agreement, which was signed between TİAK Televizyon
İzleme Araştırmaları Anonim Şirketi and TNS Piyasa Araştırma
Danışmanlık ve Ticaret A.Ş. (29.05.2014; 14-19/362-158) The
Board granted an individual exemption to the framework exclu-
sive warehouse contract, signed between Boehringer Ingelheim
İlaç Ticaret A.Ş. and Ankara Beşer Ecza Deposu İlaç ve
Pazarlama A.Ş. (29.05.2014; 14-19/366-161)
• The Board decided that there were no drawbacks for authoriz-
ing the acquisition of certain assets by either of the bidders,
Demir Madencilik Petrol Ürünleri Enerji İnşaat Liman Gemi,