export, entered into force through publication in the Official
Gazette dated 16.08.2014 and numbered 29090.
• The Resolution of the Money-Credit and Coordination Board
dated 18.08.2014 and numbered 2014/6 pertaining to the Aid of
Import Refund in Agricultural Products was published in the
Official Gazette dated 28.08.2014 and numbered 29102.
• The Resolution of the Money-Credit and Coordination Board,
dated 26.08.2014 and numbered 2014/8 pertaining to the
Support of the Market Entrance Documents was published in
the Official Gazette dated 04.09.2014 and numbered 29109.
• The List of Investment Incentive Certificates for the month of
July of the year 2014 was published in the Official Gazette
dated 10.09.2014 and numbered 29115.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 01.09.2014
and numbered 2014/6746 on the Amendment of the Resolution
concerning the Procedures and Principals of Treasury Support
Provided for the Credit Guarantee Institutions was published in
the Official Gazette dated 13.09.2014 and numbered 29118.
• The Prime Ministry Circular Concerning the Coordination of
the Works Related to the European Union was published in the
Official Gazette dated 25.09.2014 and numbered 29130.
• The Tariff on the Amendment to the Minimum Fee Tariff for
Attorneys-at-Law entered into force through publication in the
Official Gazette dated 26.11.2014 and numbered 29187.