• The Board granted an exemption to the Business Partnership
Agreement signed between Dimes Gıda Tarım Sanayii Ticaret
A.Ş. and Pınar Süt Mamülleri Sanayi A.Ş. (16.01.2014; 14-
• The Board granted a negative clearance certificate to the
Agreement on Sharing the General Health Insurance Data of the
Republic of Turkey Social Security Institution signed between
the Social Security Institution and Datamed Bilgi Yönetimi Ltd.
Şti. (16.01.2014; 14-02/38-16)
• The Board granted an exemption to Interbank Card Center Inc.
TechPOS Project for three years. (16.01.2014; 14-02/42-20)
• The Board granted an exemption to the Bonus Credit Card
Program Sharing Agreement, signed between Türkiye Garanti
Bankası A.Ş. and Fibabanka A.Ş. (19.02.2014; 14-07/149-64)
• The Board granted an individual exemption to the Warehouse
Sales Agreement and the Agreement Amending the Warehouse
Sales Agreement, which were signed between Lilly İlaç Tic.
Ltd. Şti. and Yusufpaşa Ecza Deposu A.Ş. (26.02.2014; 14-
• The Board did not grant an exemption to the Base Expertise
Fees Tariff prepared by the Insurance Experts’ Executive
Committee. (26.02.2014; 14-08/162-71)
• The Board issued a certificate of negative clearance for the pro-
tocol signed between GDZ Enerji Yatırımları A.Ş. and MARSH
Sigorta ve Reasürans Brokerliği A.Ş. (26.02.2014; 14-08/163-
• The Board authorized granting the operating right for oil stor-
age, sale and refuel units in Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport to
THY OPET Havacılık Yakıtları A.Ş. for five years within the
framework of the commitments made by THY OPET Havacılık
Yakıtları A.Ş. (05.03.2014; 14-08/155-66)
• The Board granted a negative clearance certificate to the rec-
ommendation decision of the Banks Association of Turkey con-
cerning the restructuring of Swiss franc and Japanese yen
indexed housing loans given by its members between 2007 and