• The Law No. 6554 on the Endorsement of the Approval of the
Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to the Trans
Anatolia Natural Gas Pipeline System between the Government
of Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of
Azerbaijan entered into force through publication in the Official
Gazette dated 18.09.2014 and numbered 29123.
• The Law No. 6555 on the Endorsement of the Approval of the
Optional Commercial Agreement signed between the Republic
of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran entered into force
through publication in the Official Gazette dated 18.09.2014
and numbered 29123.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 22.09.2014
and numbered 2014/6807 on the Approval of the Agreement
between the Republic of Turkey and the European Union with
regard to Participation of the Republic of Turkey into the 2020
Customs Union Program was published in the Official Gazette
dated 30.09.2014 and numbered 29135.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 22.09.2014
and numbered 2014/6809 on the Approval of the Agreement
between the Republic of Turkey and the European Union with
regard to Participation of the Republic of Turkey into the
Fiscalis 2020 Program of the Union was published in the
Official Gazette dated 02.10.2014 and numbered 29137.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 13.10.2014
regarding the Amendment to the Host Government Agreement
between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the
Trans Anatolian Gas Pipeline Company B.V. concerning the
Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline System between the
Government of the Republic of Turkey and TANAP Doğal Gaz
İletim Anonim Şirketi was published in the Official Gazette
dated 21.10.2014 and numbered 29152.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 13.10.2014,
regarding the ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding
Concerning the Trans Anatolian Natural Pipeline System
between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the
Government of Republic of Azerbaijan signed on 26.05.2014,