• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 05.02.2014
and numbered 5933 on the entry into force of the Status of the
Expert Appraisers Association of Turkey was published in the
Official Gazette dated 02.04.2014 and numbered 28960.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers, dated 05.02.2014
and numbered 5934, on the entry into force of the Status of the
Turkish Capital Markets Association was published in the
Official Gazette dated 02.04.2014 and numbered 28960.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 05.02.2014
and numbered 5939, regarding the entry into force of the
Resolution on the Determination of Certain Areas as
Technological Development Regions and Changing the
Boundaries of Certain Technological Development Regions
was published in the Official Gazette, dated 04.04.2014 and
numbered 28962.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 27.01.2014
and numbered 6058 on the entry into force of the Resolution on
the Amendment to the Resolution concerning State Support of
Investments was published in the Official Gazette dated
09.05.2014 and numbered 28995.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 19.03.2014
and numbered 6359 on the entry into force of the Resolution on
Supporting the Investments of Stockbreeding in Cities within
the scope of the Projects of East Anatolia, Southeast Anatolia,
Konya Low and East Black Sea Regions was published in the
Official Gazette dated 04.06.2014 and numbered 29020.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 25.06.2014
and numbered 2014/6534on the entering into force of the
Resolution on the amendment to the Resolution Pertaining to
the Transportation of Coil Oil and Jet Fuel through Highways
and Railways of Turkey was published in the Official Gazette
dated 04.07.2014 and numbered 29050.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 21.07.2014
and numbered 2014/6692 on the Supplementary Resolution of
Import Regimes was published in the Official Gazette dated