• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 13.10.2014
and numbered 2014/6889 on the Amendment to the Decree on
the Implementation of Certain Articles of the Customs Law No.
4458 was published in the Official Gazette dated 18.10.2014
and numbered 29149.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 01.09.2014
and numbered 2014/6747 on the execution of the Resolution on
Public Offering Concerning the Shares of Borsa İstanbul A.Ş.
owned by the Treasury was published in the Official Gazette
dated 14.11.2014 and numbered 20175.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 24.11.2014
and numbered 2014/7016 on the extension of certain applica-
tions and initial installment payment periods in the Law on the
Amendment to the Labor Law and Certain Laws, Statutory
Decrees and Law on Restructuring Certain Receivables No.
6552, was published in the Official Gazette dated 30.11.2014
and numbered 29191.