• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 12.02.2014
and numbered 5990, regarding the ratification of the Agreement
concerning the Cross-Border Electricity Trade via Borcka-
Akhaltsikhe Interconnection Line, signed between the Republic
of Turkey and Georgia, in Tbilisi on 20.01.2012 and approved
by the Law dated 29.05.2013 and numbered 6490 was pub-
lished in the Official Gazette dated 05.03.2014 and numbered
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 27.01.2014
and numbered 5893 on the participation to the Protocol
Amending the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights, which was approved by the Law
dated 30.04.2013 and numbered 6471 was published in the
Official Gazette dated 15.03.2014 and numbered 28942.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 11.03.2014
and numbered 6074, regarding the determination of the effec-
tive date as 01.03.2014 of the Agreement on the Establishment
of the United Nations Development Programme, Europe and
the Common Wealth of Independent States Regional Service
Center in Istanbul, signed between the Government of the
Republic of Turkey and the United Nations Development
Programme in New York on 27.09.2013 was published in the
Official Gazette dated 25.03.2014 and numbered 28952.
• The Law on the Ratification of our Participation in the
Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic
entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette
dated 16.04.2014 and numbered 28974.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 17.02.2014
and numbered 6025, regarding the ratification of the
Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of
the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of
Macedonia on Agricultural Cooperation, signed in Ankara on
27.06.2013 was published in the Official Gazette dated
19.04.2014 and dated 28977.
• The Law on the Ratification of the Protocol on Hospital
Operation and Transfer between the Government of the