Amendments Introduced to the Law on Regulation of
Internet Publications
Att. Ecem Susoy
The Law on Regulation of Internet Publications and Combating
Crimes Committed by Means of Such Publications No. 5651 (“Law
No. 5651”) was amended by the Law No. 6518, which was published
in the Official Gazette dated 19.02.2014 and numbered 28918, and the
Law on the Amendment to Certain Laws No. 6527, which was pub-
lished in the Official Gazette dated 01.03.2014 and numbered 28928.
The amendments introduced to Law No. 5651 contain wide regu-
lations on the removal of content from the Internet and new terms. This
newsletter Article will examine the amendments introduced to Law
No. 5651.
Law No. 5651
Law No. 5651 regulates the principles and procedures on the lia-
bilities and responsibilities of content providers
, hosting providers
access providers or Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
and multi-
threading providers
, as well as to combat certain crimes committed on
the internet through content, hosting and access providers.
Article of March 2014
Real and legal persons producing, modifying and providing all kinds of information or data to
Internet users.
Real and legal persons who operate or provide space on a server and Internet connectivity.
Real and legal persons that provides services for accessing or using the Internet.
This term refers to real and legal persons providing Internet access in certain places and for a
certain period, as in cafes and hotels that provide internet access to their customers.