tional organizations in Turkey whose status has been determined by
virtue of agreements; who are exempt from a residence permit by vir-
tue of international agreements to which Turkey is a signatory, are list-
ed as exempt from the residence permit requirement.
Type of Residence Permit
There are several types of residence permits, depending on the pur-
pose of the visit of the foreign person. The types of residence permit
are listed as short-term residence permit, family residence permit, stu-
dent residence permit, long-term residence permit, humanitarian resi-
dence permit and victim of human trafficking residence permit under
Article 30 of Law No. 6458. It should be mentioned that each type of
residence of permit requires detailed documentation
depending on the
status and legal purpose of applicant.
A short-term residence permit
is regulated under Articles 31 to 33
of the Law No. 6458. As per these articles, a short-term residence per-
mit may be granted to foreigners who arrive to conduct scientific
research in Turkey; own immovable property in Turkey; establish busi-
ness or commercial connections; participate in job training programs;
who arrive to attend educational or similar programs as part of student
exchange programs or agreements to which Turkey is a party; who
wish to stay for tourism purposes; who intend to receive medical treat-
ment, provided that they do not have a disease posing a public health
threat; who are required to stay in Turkey pursuant to a request or a
decision of judicial or administrative authorities; who attend a Turkish
language course; who attend an education program, research, in-tern-
ship or, a course by way of a public agency; who apply to a higher edu-
cation program in Turkey within six months upon their graduation.
Short-term residence permits shall be issued with maximum one year
duration at a time.
A family residence permit
is regulated under Articles 34 to 37 of
Law No. 6458. Within this framework, a family residence permit may
be granted to a foreign spouse; foreign children or foreign minor chil-
dren of their spouse; dependent foreign children or dependent foreign
For list of documentation, please see.