children of the spouse of Turkish citizens or of foreigners holding one
of the residence permits for a maximum duration of two years at a
time. The duration of the family residence permit cannot exceed the
duration of the sponsor’s residence permit under any circumstances.
With regard to family residence permit applications, certain conditions
such as monthly income and appropriate accommodation and safety
standards are also required for the sponsor.
A student residence permit
is regulated under Articles 38 to 41 of
the Law No. 6458. As per these articles, a student residence permit
shall be granted to for-eigners who shall attend an associate degree,
undergradu-ate, graduate or postgraduate program in a higher educa-
tion institution in Turkey. A student residence permit shall not entitle
the parents as well as other family members of the foreigner to obtain
a residence permit. In cases where the period of study is less than one
year, duration of the residence permit shall not exceed the period of
study. Foreign students attending an associate degree, under-graduate,
graduate or postgraduate program in Turkey may work, provided that
they obtain a work permit. However the right for work for associate
degree or undergraduate students starts after the first year of their study
and weekly working hours shall not exceed twenty-four hours at max-
A long-term residence permit
is regulated under Articles 42 to 45
of Law No. 6458. Pursuant to Article 42 of Law No. 6458, long-term
residence permits shall be issued by the governorates, upon approval of
the Ministry, to foreigners who have continuously resided in Turkey for
at least eight years with a permit or, foreigners who meet the condi-
tions set out by the Migration Policies Board. Pursuant to Article 43 of
Law No. 6458, having a long-term residence per-mit depends on cer-
tain conditions such as having continuous residence in Turkey for at
least eight years; not having received social assistance in the past three
years; having sufficient and stable income to maintain themselves or,
if any, support their family; be covered with a valid medical insurance;
not being a threat for public order or public security.
A humanitarian residence permit
may be issued under the condi-
tions regulated under Article 46 of Law No. 6458, upon approval of the
Min-istry, with a maxi-mum duration of one year at a time. A human-