Residence Permits for Foreigners in Turkey
Att. Naciye Yilmaz
The Law on Foreigners and International Protection No. 6458
(“Law No. 6458”), published in the Official Gazette dated 11.04.2013
and numbered 28615, abrogated the Law on Residence and Travels of
Foreigners in Turkey No. 5683 by entering into force on 11.04.2014.
Law No. 6458 regulates the entry of foreigners into Turkey, visa
requirements, principles and procedures of the scope and application
of international protection, regulations and novelties on establishment,
duties and the mandate of General Directorate of Immigration
Management (“General Directorate”) affiliated to the Ministry of
Internal Affairs (“Ministry”). The subject of this Newsletter Article
shall be limited to residence permits for foreigners.
Obligation of Obtaining Residence Permit and Exemptions
Pursuant to Article 19 of Law No. 6458, foreigners who stay in
Turkey beyond the du-ration of a visa or a visa exemption or, in any
case longer than ninety days, are obliged to obtain a residence permit.
Article 20 of Law No. 6458 regulates exemptions from the resi-
dence permit. Foreigners listed under Article 20 are not required to
obtain a residence permit. For example, foreigners who have arrived
with a valid visa or by virtue of visa exemption for a stay of up to nine-
ty days, are exempt from a residence permit with-in the period of the
visa or the visa exemption; holders of a stateless person identity card;
members of the diplomatic and consular mis-sions in Turkey; family
members of diplomatic and consular of-ficers, provided they are noti-
fied to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are also not required to obtain a
residence permit; moreover members of the representations of interna-
Article of June 2014