Those acting in violation of article 16 shall be subject to a
decision of preventive cease, cease, correction or an adminis-
trative monetary fine of TRL 8,788 (*) by the Advertisement
Board depending on the characteristics of the violation. In the
event the violation of article 16 is realized through written,
oral, visual or any other media broadcasted throughout the
country, the administrative monetary fine shall be multiplied
by ten.
Those acting in violation of the seventh and eighth paragraphs
of article 7 shall be subject to an administrative monetary fine
proportional to the invoice price of the good or service which
constitutes the subject matter of the campaign. In the event the
organizer of the campaign reimburses the consumer once the
consumer leaves the campaign, this fine shall not apply.
Those acting in violation of the second paragraph of article 7
shall be granted a cure period of one week to organize a cam-
paign in compliance with article 7. In the event it is revealed
that the violation continues after the lapse of this period, those
acting in violation of this article and those violating the oblig-
ations stipulated under articles 24 and 24/A shall be subject to
an administrative monetary fine of 117,220 (*).
The administrative monetary fines stipulated above shall be
doubled in the event the relevant act is repeated within a year.
(*) the monetary amounts in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
and 10 of Article 25 are updated and included in the wording
of the article, pursuant to article 1 of the Communiqué pub-
lished in the Official Gazette dated 31.12.2012 and numbered
28514, to be applicable as of 1.1.2013.
Article 25 regulates the penalty provisions. The fines specified in
the referred article shall apply by being duplicated, if the act is repeat-
ed within a year.