judgment. The producer-manufacturer and/or importer firm shall recall
or procure the recalling of the product if it is impossible to remedy the
defect of the good. The recalled goods shall be partially or fully
destroyed or caused to be destroyed depending on the risks they involve.
In the event that a series of goods offered for sale has a defect that
involves risks endangering the consumer’s safety, the provisions of the
Act No. 4703 on the Preparation and Application of Technical
Legislation Relating to Products are reserved.
The right of the consumers who purchased defective goods to ini-
tiate lawsuit due to the moral or material damages they suffered is
Goods That Appear Different Than They Are
According to article 24/A of Law no. 4077, the production, mar-
keting, importation and exportation of goods, which, though not ali-
mentary, appear differently as edible goods to consumers because of
their form, scent, appearance, packaging, labeling, volume or size and
cause the consumers to mistake them as alimentary goods and endan-
ger their health and safety, shall be prohibited.
If such goods have been launched into the market, the provisions
of the Act on the Preparation and Application of Technical Legislation
Relating to Products, No. 4703 shall apply.
The right of the consumers, who purchased goods which appear
different than they are, to initiate lawsuit due to moral or material dam-
ages is reserved.
Authority, Objections and Statute of Limitations in Penalties
ARTICLE 25 - (Amended: 5728 - 23.1.2008 / m.476) Those
violating the procedures and principles to be determined by
the Ministry pursuant to the seventh paragraph of article 6
shall be subject to an administrative monetary fine of TRL 144
(*) per each agreement revealed to be noncompliant.
Those violating each obligation foreseen under the sixth para-
graph of article 4, article 5, sixth paragraph of article 6, arti-
cle 6/A the principles and procedures determined by the