Ministry pursuant to articles 6/B and 6/C, fifth paragraph of
article 7, article 9, article 9/A, article 10, article 10/A, article
10/B, second and fourth paragraphs of article 11/A, and arti-
cles 12, 13, 14 and 15 shall be subject to an administrative
monetary fine of 291 (*).
Those violating the obligations foreseen under the fourth and
sixth paragraphs of article 7 and articles 8 and 27 shall be
subject to an administrative monetary fine of TRL 731 (*).
Those violating the obligations foreseen under the procedures
and principles determined and announced by the Ministry pur-
suant to the second paragraph of article 20 shall be subject to an
administrative monetary fine of TRL 1,463 (*). In the event the
violation is realized through radios and televisions broadcasting
throughout the country, the fine shall be multiplied by ten.
Manufacturer-producer acting in violation of article 18 shall
be subject to an administrative monetary fine of TRL 2,928 (*),
seller-supplier shall be subject to an administrative monetary
fine of TRL 584 (*).
Those violating the obligations foreseen under the first para-
graph of article 19 shall be subject to an administrative mon-
etary fine of 7,325 (*).
Those acting in violation of article 11 shall be subject to an
administrative monetary fine of 14,651 (*).In the event the vio-
lation is realized through periodicals broadcasting throughout
the country, the fine shall be multiplied by twenty. The Ministry
shall also request the broadcasting corporation to cease of
campaign and any advertisement and announcement regard-
ing the campaign. In the event the violation continues despite
this request, an administrative monetary fine of TRL 293,055
(*) shall be imposed per day from the date of rise of the oblig-
ation of the broadcasting corporation to cease the campaign
and any advertisement and announcement regarding the cam-
paign. The Ministry shall apply to the Consumer Court with
the request to cease of campaign and any advertisement and
announcement regarding the campaign.