The evaluation as to general equipment emphasizes that in order to
increase the competition in the digital platform management and to
prevent current and potential competition concerns, the regulations
enabling the consumers to switch or diversify their digital platform ser-
vice providers should be adopted by the regulative authorities.
Banking Market
The Banking Regulation and Supervision Authority are responsi-
ble from the regulation of the banking sector within the scope of
Banking Law numbered 5411. In addition, Central Bank of the Turkish
Republic has the regulative role on the classification of deposits, statu-
tory reserves and on the limits of the credit card interest. The publicly
held banks are subject to the regulations of the Capital Markets
Authority. Moreover, the Saving Deposits Insurance Fund has the com-
petence to regulate the field of deposit insurance. As seen, there are
several regulative authorities in the relevant market.
Notwithstanding the above, banking market can be deemed as a
market which is open to competition.
Authority examined the competition concerns within the relevant
market under two headings as the structural concerns and legal and
behavioral concerns. In the light of these evaluations, the Authority
submitted the following suggestions:
• Abolishing the exception provided in Article 19 of the Law No.
5411 which is preventing the application of Article 7, 10 and 11
of the Competition Law to mergers and acquisitions of banks,
where their total market share does not exceed %20
• Adopting regulations, which eases switch between banks by
customers and which decreases the costs of such switch
• Providing the sectorial authorities to take effective role in pro-
tection of customers in practices such as transaction price or
costs applied in agreements of deposit, credit and other banking
services and that they cooperate with the Authority
• Decreasing the information asymmetry between banks and cus-
tomers, imposing banks to disclose certain information to cus-
tomers enabling them to compare the banks