Maritime Transport Industry
In general the maritime transportation industry contain passenger
and freight maritime transportation and port operation services. These
services consist of many sub-markets and services fields.
The competent authority for the policy making and their imple-
mentation is the Transportation, Maritime and Communication
Ministry. The mentioned Ministry is also authorized to grant license
and auditing the actors in the market.
Pursuant to the Cabotage Law, the passenger and freight trans-
portation within the Turkish coastline and towing and pilotage ser-
vices, within and between Turkish ports and all other ports services can
be conducted exclusively by Turkish flagged vessels. Pursuant to the
same law, the pilotage, port services, maritime working and seaman
services can only be conducted by Turkish nationals or companies reg-
istered in Turkey.
The Authority evaluated the competition concerns in maritime
industry under two main headings: originating from the structure of the
market; and weak or insufficient competition. In addition to these,
another concern is displayed as high concentration ratios especially in
container stowing and ro-ro transportation.
The Authority’s suggestions are as follows:
• Adopting policies allowing to promoting the entry of new pas-
senger and cargo vessels, which will increase share of maritime
transport in domestic transport
• Adopting policies that would promote the unification of sever-
al small sized ports which are placed closed by to each other at
the same coastline into a one main port with a bigger scale
• Giving priority to investment which would increase the capaci-
ty and the infrastructure for handling/stowing services in the
new ports to be established in order to flourish competition
between ports in container handling services
• In the Privatization Procedures on ports that are still pending, a
requirement to make an investment on container handling infra-
structure to be inserted in to the tender specifications