terms of contracts. The sample acts of unfair competition listed in the
article are summarized below:
a. Acts or Practices Violating Bona Fide Principle:
1 To decry others’ businesses, business products or activities in
a false and misleading way,
2 To make false and misleading statements regarding one’s
own business, business products or activities,
3 To create a false pretense of having honors, diplomas or
awards or using misleading occupation titles or symbols,
4 To create confusion with others’ businesses, business products
or activities,
5 To compare one’s own, business products or prices with
others, their business products or prices in a false, misleading,
discrediting way,
6 To mislead customers concerning one’s own or competitors
talents by selling products under supply prices,
7 To mislead customers concerning the real price of the product
by way of providing additional products or services,
8 To limit the freedom of choice of the customers with
aggressive sale tactics,
9 To mislead customers by concealing the qualifications,
benefits, dangers of one’s products or activities,
10 Not to indicate the trade name, price or cost information
clearly in the advertisements regarding installment sale
contracts and similar transactions,
11 Not to indicate the trade name, net amount of credits, total
costs, effective annual interests clearly in the advertisements
regarding the consumer credits,
12 To use contract formulas which contain false or missing
information on the subject, price, payment terms, contract
term, and specific rights of the customer of installment sale
or consumer credit contracts.