Unfair Competition Provisions under New Turkish
Commercial Code
Att. Berna Aşık Zibel
Unfair competition provisions have been set forth under articles 54-
63 of the new Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102 (“NCC”).
The currently in force, Turkish Commercial Code, numbered 6762
(“CC”) defines unfair competition as abuse of economic competition by
way of acts, which are misleading or violating the
bona fide
The definition in NCC also identifies the subjects between whom the
unfair competition cases take place. As per this definition, the acts or
commercial practices between competitors or providers and customers
which are misleading and violating the
bona fide
principle are unfair
and against the law. All cases fall under this scope shall be considered
as unfair competition. Imitation of another business’s products or other
trademarks, misleading advertisement for its own products, falsely
claim to have veritable qualifications they do not actually have or to
use misleading names and signs are cases of unfair competitions. The
purpose of these provisions of the law is identified as to ensure fair and
uncorrupted competition for the benefit of all the participants of the
market. As indicated both in the definition and the purpose, the NCC aims
to widen the implementation area of the unfair competition provisions
and to preclude the application only between competitors.
Cases of Unfair Competition
Article 55 of the NCC lists the cases of unfair competition under
six main titles. However, the unfair competition cases set forth under
this article are not
numerus clausus
. Analyzing the cases set forth under
the article, we see that list of acts which constitute unfair competition
expanded under the provision and as well as sample cases for the
protection of competitors, especially cases which are aiming to protect
the consumers and public interest are also set forth. Another new aspect
is that the article also sets forth acts, which covers use of unfair general
Article of November 2011