• The acquisition of 99.86% of shares held by Denizbank
A.Ş.inDeniz Emeklilik ve Hayat A.Ş. by Metlife Alico Türkiye has been
authorized by the Board, since it would not result in the creation
or strengthening of a dominant position as described under article
7 of the Act No. 4054 and the Communiqué No. 2010/4, and thus
in significant lessening of competition. (25.08.2011, 11-46/1115-
• The Board has authorized the acquisition of the entire issued and
outstanding shares of Transatlantic Holdings, Inc. by Validus
Holdings, Ltd., without any demand from Transatlantic Holdings,
Inc. since the transaction would not result in creating a dominant
position, or strengthening the existing dominant position as
specified in Article 7 of the Act No. 4054 and in the Communiqué
No. 2010/4, and thus in decreasing competition. (14.09.2011, 11-
47/1157-403 )
• As a result of the examination made upon the request that
individual exemption be given to "Filling Service Agreement"
between Aygaz A.Ş. and İpragaz A.Ş., the Board has decided that
"Filling Service Agreement" between Aygaz A.Ş. and İpragaz
A.Ş. is under the scope of Article 4 of the Act No. 4054, the
agreement shall be granted individual exemption as it fulfills all of
the conditions listed in Article 5 of the Act No 4054. (22.09.2011,
11-48/1213-426 )
• The Board authorized the acquisition by Robert Bosch GmbH
of starting motor, alternator, heat control components and wiper
production activities of Unipoint Group, since it would not result
in the creation or strengthening of a dominant position as described
under Article 7 of the Act No. 4054 and the Communiqué 2010/4
and thus in significant lessening of competition. (05.10.2011; 11-
• The Board decided that the transfer of the shares of Adabank A.Ş.
- which have been seized in accordance with the Banking Act No.
5411 article 134 paragraph 5 and the provisions of the Act No.
6183 on the Procedure for the Collection of Public Receivables
and which belongs to Kemal Uzan, Cem Cengiz Uzan, Murat