Important Changes and Development regarding
Energy Law
• The Technical Security and Environmental Regulation Regarding
the Construction and Operation of Pipeline Facilities for Crude Oil
and Natural Gas of Petroleum Pipeline Corporation entered into
force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 06.01.2011
and numbered 27807.
• The Law on the Amendment to the Law Pertaining to the Use
of Renewable Energy Resources for the Generation of Electrical
Energy entered into force through publication in the Official
Gazette dated 08.01.2011 and numbered 27809.
• The Draft Regulation on Amendment to the Electric Market
Distribution Regulation concerning electric vehicles was published
on the official website of Energy Market Regulatory Authority on
• The Energy Market Regulatory Agency (the “EMRA”) Board (the
“EMRABoard”) decided in its meeting dated 06.01.2011 that there
will be no promotion under the names of gift, sample, campaign
and similar names in sales of LPG auto gas as of 31.01.2011.
• The Law Pertaining to the Regulation of Some Debts and Claims
of Some Public Institutions and Establishments entered into force
through publication in the Official Gazette dated 03.03.2011 and
numbered 27863. The scope of the Law is determined as Petroleum
Pipeline Corporation (“BOTAŞ”), Electricity Generation Co. Inc.
(“EUAŞ”) and its affiliates, Turkish Electricity Transmission
Company (“TEİAŞ”), Turkish Electricity Trade and Contracting
Company (“TETAŞ”), Turkish Electricity Distribution Company
(“TEDAŞ”) and the distribution companies whose capital is held
• The Communiqué on the Amendment of the Communiqué
Pertaining to the Price Equalizing Mechanism that would Apply
to the Electricity Distribution Zones entered into force through
publication in the Official Gazette dated 03.03.2011 and numbered