• The Regulation on the Principles and Procedures that would Apply
to Purchases of Goods and Services by TEİAŞ, as per Article 3/g
of Public Tenders Law 4734 entered into force through publication
in the Official Gazette dated 04.03.2011 and numbered 27864.
• The Communiqué on the Amendment of the Compulsory Standard
Communiqué (No: OSG-2011/03) pertaining to standards for
storage of LPG entered into force through publication in the
Official Gazette dated 10.03.2011 and numbered 27870. The
Communiqué entered into force after the lapse of 15 days following
its publication.
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Petroleum Market
License Regulation entered into force through publication in the
Official Gazette dated 15.03.2011 and numbered 27875.
• The Draft Regulation on Procedures and Principles Regarding
Main Use of Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility was
published on the website of EMRA on 22.03.2011 in order for the
provision of related opinions until 05.04.2011.
• The Board resolution regarding the wholesale tariff to be applied
in the electricity market by TETAŞ was published on the website
of EMRA on 25.03.2011.
• Regulation on the Amendment of the Electricity Market License
Regulation entered into force through publication in the Official
Gazette dated 05.04.2011 and numbered 27896.
• Regulation on the Amendment of the Natural Gas Market License
Regulation entered into force through publication in the Official
Gazette dated 09.04.2011 and numbered 27900.
• Regulation on the Amendment of the Petroleum Market License
Regulation entered into force through publication in the Official
Gazette dated 21.04.2011 and numbered 27912.
• Regulation on the Amendment of National Marker Implementation
on Oil Market Regulation entered into force through publication
in the Official Gazette dated 17.05.2011 and numbered 27937.