• The Board authorized the transaction of acquisition by Robert
Bosch GmbH and its participations of the entire shares of Hüttlin
GmbH and all assets belonging to Manesty since it would not
result in creating a dominant position or strengthening an existing
dominant position and hence in reducing competition significantly
of a nature mentioned in article 7 of the Act No. 4054 and in the
Communiqué No. 2010/4. (16.06.2011, 11-37/776-242 )
• The Board authorized the acquisition by Aygaz A.Ş. of part of
the assets related to the bottled LPG distribution business owned
by Total Oil Türkiye A.Ş. and of the relevant dealership contracts
has been authorized since it would not result in the creation or
strengthening of a dominant position as described under Article
7 of the Act No. 4054 and the Communiqué 2010/4 and thus in
significant lessening of competition. (06.07.2011; 11-41/873-274)
• The Board, as a result of the examination in relation to the
authorization of the transfer of Burgaz Alkollü İçecekler
Commerical and Economic Entity to Antalya Alkollü İçecekler
San. ve Tic. A.Ş. in fulfillment of the obligation under the
Competition Board decision dated 8.7.2010 to sell all of the
assets Mey İçki acquired as part of Burgaz with the exception
of the trademark of İstanblue and together with the trademark of
Vodka 1967 to an appropriate buyer within a given period of time,
decided that authorization be given to the transaction filed with
the Competition Authority by Mey İçki Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
concerning the transfer of Burgaz Alkollü İçecekler Commerical
and Economic Entity to Antalya Alkollü İçecekler San. ve Tic.
A.Ş. in fulfillment of the obligation under the Competition Board
decision dated 8.7.2010 and numbered 10-49/900-314 to sell all of
the assets Mey İçki acquired as part of Burgaz with the exception
of the trademark of İstanblue and together with the trademark of
Vodka 1967 to an appropriate buyer within a given period of time.
(06.07.2011; 11-41/865-M)
• The Board authorized the establishment of two joint ventures
through the transfer of 50% of the shares of Milangaz LNG
Toptan Satış Tic. ve San. A.Ş. by Demirören Enerji Madencilik