will be established as the transaction would not result in creating
a dominant position, or strengthening the existing dominant
position as specified in Article 7 of the Act No. 4054 and in the
Communiqué No. 2010/4, and thus in decreasing competition.
(26.05.2011; 11-32/660-205)
• The Board authorized the acquisition of the control of Bulgari
S.p.A. by LVMHMoét Hennessy - Louis Vuitton as the transaction
would not result in creating a dominant position, or strengthening
the existing dominant position as specified in Article 7 of the
Act No. 4054 and in the Communiqué No. 2010/4, and thus in
decreasing competition. (26.05.2011; 11-32/659-204)
• The Board authorized the transaction of acquisition by Atos Origin
S.A. of the sole control of Siemens AG’s information technology
services activities (also including assets to be transferred in Turkey)
conducted by Siemens IT Solutions and Services GmbH due to
the fact that it would not result in creating a dominant position or
strengthening an existing dominant position and hence in reducing
competition significantly of a nature mentioned in article 7 of the
Act No. 4054 and in the Communiqué No. 2010/4. (02.06.2011,
11-33/702-215 )
• The Board decided that the transaction of transferring to Zhejiang
Longsheng Group Co. Ltd. of 62.4% of the capital of Kirl Holding
Singapore Private Limited and therefore the control of Dystar
Colours Distribution GmbH 1- be authorized due to the fact that
the transaction which was the subject matter of the notification
would not result in creating a dominant position or strengthening
an existing dominant position and hence in reducing competition
significantly of a nature mentioned in article 7 of the Act No.
4054 and in the Communiqué No. 2010/4, 2- however, due to the
fact that the transaction cited has been carried out without the
authorization of the Competition Board, an administrative fine of
TL 1.697,92 be imposed on Zhejiang Longsheng Group Co. Ltd.
by one per thousand of its gross revenue that formed by the end
of the financial year 2010 in accordance with the Act No. 4054.
(02.06.2011, 11-33/723-226 )