project companies financed by the IITs or infrastructure companies
established by the IITs are not considered within the scope of this
- They can not invest in assets and rights that are subject to any kind
of restrictions in transfer.
- They may issue securities, capital market instruments and other
structured instruments that approved by the Board and invest in that
kind of instruments.
- They may establish or participate to the operating company in order
to operate infrastructure investment or services.
- They may purchase and sell capital market instruments and can
make inverse repurchasing and ISE Settlement and Custody Bank
Inc. money market transactions, and time and demand deposit
accounts in Turkish Liras or any foreign currency except more than
10% portfolio value,
- They may participate in the tenders of privatizations or Build-
Operate-Transfer projects and invest infrastructure investments or
services with this context, reserving the special regulations.
- For hedging against the exchange, interest and market risks;
they may use portfolio management techniques and capital and
money market instruments appropriate with investment objectives.
They may undertake option contracts, forward, financial forward
transactions and option transactions based on forward transactions,
providing that a provision exists in their articles of association and
the prospectus and in accordance with the Board’s conditions.